субота, 25 червня 2011 р.

Andrew Descent

    Andrew Descent (Andriyivsky Spusk) from time immemorial used to be the shortest way between the Upper City (Royal Residence) and the labour-trading Podil. Contemporary name was given in 1740s; however, the current buildings were erected only in 1890-1900s. Even today Andrew Descent is incredible in its beauty. With many buildings in this street history is connected tight.

    In house no 13 in 1906-1913 and 1918-1919 used to stay one of the most famous Russian writers, a man with a world-wide famous name – Michael Bulgakov. On this house a table with his name is hung. Bulgakov loved Kiev, he would settle his heroes here, he would depict it in his books. Slightly higher on the hill a strange building in an extraordinary style was built in 1902 and was named “Richard the Lion Heart Castle”. In Andrew Descent used to live such famous artists as Diadchenko, Krasytsky and Makushenko, and a sculptor Balavensky.
  Nowadays the street is decorated in the style of 19th century. Due to that it magically draws to itself the local community, the guests of Kiev and simply those who value antique things. The pavements have been tiled with special bricks made by ancient recipes. The road pavement has been also retiled. The lights carved from cast iron fill the street atmosphere with special aroma of the past.
   Andrew Descent has become a real museum under no roof. Every spring, art exhibitions and cultural fests take place here. Moreover, since 1991 it has become the most adorable place for Kiev residence where they stroll on the Day of Kiev and on the Independence Day.

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